
Mass Effect instaling
Mass Effect  instaling

Being pretty pissed at this moment I decided to check online what the problem was and the solution seemed to be just going offline with the Xbox and let the game being installed via disc.

Mass Effect instaling

Guess what? Yep, the game tells you to insert the “Game” disc instead.

Mass Effect instaling

I stopped the process and put in the data disc instead, as probably any sane person would do. No problem there, or so I thought when seeing the “Install” button, but to my irritation the game started to download the data despite a disc being inserted. ME1 was ready to go but ME2 and ME3 require installation. There we go! Game launched and took me right to the main menu, here you can decide which game of the trilogy to play. My internet speed is not the greatest so it took like half an hour or so to finish. Turns out it’s a rather small installation with 10GB from disc and a “glorious” day one patch via internet around 9GB heavy. Whatever, I thought and acted as instructed. Having dealt with such before I decided to insert the “Data” disc first but just got the message to insert the “Game” disc instead. First surprise was when I opened the game case and saw that it comes with two discs.

Mass Effect instaling

So, a few hours ago my physical copy of the game arrived and after a nice Saturday brunch I decided to install it to my Xbox Series X.

Mass Effect  instaling